Urban Alchemy provides safe, welcoming spaces for unsheltered neighbors.
We operate Climate Stations to offer a place to warm up, cool down, or simply find refuge. When the weather turns dangerously hot or cold, our climate stations are ideal for those who don’t have shelter of their own. We also welcome guests who simply need a place where they know our practitioners will keep them safe from whatever they feel threatened by. At the end of the day, guests can find places to sleep at one of Urban Alchemy’s safe sleep sites.
Our oasis parks go a step further by providing a space that is open to everyone, with dog parks, fitness centers, and more. They include places to sit and chat, water and tea, and community gardens – all amenities that we believe should be available to everyone.
To help bring safety to unsheltered residents in San Francisco’s Tenderloin neighborhood, Urban Alchemy created its first oasis park in a parking lot at the corner of Turk and Hyde. Formerly a parking lot known for drug deals, it now serves as a gathering spot for both housed and unhoused neighbors, where dogs, games, and conversation are all welcome.