Michael Wilson sitting outside of the Oasis.
Guest Story

Michael Wilson

Michael Wilson, a guest at the Oasis in the Tenderloin, has been deeply impacted by the work of Urban Alchemy. He believes that Urban Alchemy is making a difference in the community by providing job opportunities to people who may have previously faced barriers to employment.

Michael has been impressed by the dedication of the Urban Alchemy practitioners to the community and to each other. He has seen them go above and beyond to help guests like him, from providing meals and resources to offering a listening ear and a kind word. Their commitment to the wellbeing of the community has inspired him with hope for a better future for everyone.

Overall, Michael feels that Urban Alchemy is doing important work in the Tenderloin and beyond. He is grateful for the support and opportunities they have provided to the community and those who were once incarcerated, and he hopes that their efforts will continue to make a positive impact on the lives of those in need.

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