Picture of Michael Luong
Practitioner Story

Michael Luong

Michael Luong's story is one of redemption and personal growth. After serving 19 years in prison, Michael struggled to readjust to society and had anger management issues. However, working at Urban Alchemy as a supervisor has taught him the importance of compassion and understanding towards others. Through his work, Michael has learned to control his anger and be patient with his team members. He loves his job at the organization and looks forward to growing with it.

Michael is a giving person who is always willing to work alongside his team and lead by example. He doesn't ask his team to do anything that he wouldn't do himself. His dedication to his work and team have earned him a great reputation among store owners in the area where he works. They speak highly of him and the work that he and his team do.

Michael's experience at Urban Alchemy has enabled him to overcome his personal challenges and develop important skills, such as leadership, compassion, and patience. Michael's journey teaches us all, as members of society, the importance of giving someone who may have made mistakes in their past a second chance. With support and guidance, individuals like Michael can rebuild their lives and make meaningful contributions to their communities.

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