Delcia Carter sitting on a couch with her beloved dog.
Guest Story

Delcia Carter

Delcia Carter's experience at Urban Alchemy’s 711 Post shelter has been a life-changing one. She has been homeless for years and had lost all hope of finding a stable home until she came across Urban Alchemy. Delcia was initially hesitant to move in because of the bad experiences she has had at other shelters. However, after seeing the facility and meeting the staff, she was convinced that this was at the right place for her.

Delcia’s appreciation for Urban Alchemy goes beyond just the facility and amenities provided. She speaks highly of the staff, who she says are kind and caring. Delcia believes that one of the Practitioners saved her life in a medical emergency. Delcia also appreciates the help she has received caring for her beloved dog.

Living at 711 post has given Delcia a sense of security and stability that she had never felt before. She is grateful for the opportunity to have a room of her own and access to resources that have helped her get back on her feet and begin her search for permanent housing. Delcia is optimistic about her future and looks forward to continuing her journey towards self-sufficiency with the help of Urban Alchemy.

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